Gather 'round, good people. It's time to meet another Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is "doodler & dreamer extraordinaire" Lillian Chan.
Who are you?
A doodler & dreamer extraordinaire; indie comic artist -- so indie that no one knows about me :P
What are you?
I'm the daughter of Chinese immigrants, who taught me how to dream -- even though they didn't mean to.
Where are you?
Boston, where it is cold like a mutha...
Where are you from?
Born & raised in Boston, MA.
What do you do?
I'm the comic artist of "ah-Lin!", which appears in a community newspaper. It chronicles the life of a 30-something year old woman and explores issues of identity, family dynamics, women's issues, and pop culture from the perspective of an Asian American woman. I'm also the lead designer for MIMOBOT designer USB flash drives. And with what spare time I have left, I lion dance for the only Asian American women's lion & dragon dance troupe in North America, Gund Kwok.
What are you all about?
Not being afraid to go after your dreams + making them happen. After working a few years in a job I had absolute no love for, I decided to take some steps back and go to art school. Four more years of schooling wasn't something I looked forward to but it was the best decision I ever made -- even though my parents weren't too keen on it. My father had a horrible fear that I'd end up a starving artist -- knock on wood! But, I did it and am now doing something I've loved doing since I was a kid.
What makes you angry?
* that there are only 24 hours in a day when I need more
* being expected to speak Chinese well + know all things Chinese by my Chinese people…umm…I was born in Boston -- not Hong Kong or China…cut me some slack. hence, I am Chinese-American
* strangers who come up to me and say "ni hao"
* US health care system