Yesterday, I started getting a flood of messages from enraged golf fans about an idiotic Twitter comment made by Dan Jenkins, writer for Golf Digest, making an unfunny crack about Korean golfer Y.E. Yang: Y.E. Yang Or Last Night's Chinese Food Delivery Boy? "Venerated" Golf Writer Isn't Sure.
Yang is the Korean golfer who beat Tiger Woods at the PGA Championship last summer. Unfortunately, to "distinguished" 80-year-old Dan Jenkins -- considered one of America's greatest, most prolific sportswriters -- the name Y.E. Yang is just another easy Asian joke.
Cannot... resist... Chinese food delivery... joke. Revered sportswriter or not, next time you want to try your hand at a little Twitter humor -- especially, but not limited to, the crappy Asian jokes -- please consider shutting the hell up.
This sure as hell wouldn't fly on a television or radio broadcast. Jenkins is an influential sports journalist -- he shouldn't be allowed to get away with a remark like that. More here: Golf Digest's Dan Jenkins bogeys attempt at humor with Tweet about Korean golfer Y.E. Yang.