Check out this cool Vanity Fair interview with Harry Shum Jr., who plays Mike Chang (aka "Other Asian") on the hit Fox show Glee. You know him as the glee club's phenomenally talented dancer who gets no dialogue (if memory serves correctly, I've heard him speak exactly once): Glee's Harry Shum Jr. Speaks! (And He Wants His Gaga Costume).
According to the interview, we will get to see him actually talk and get involved in a plot... eventually. I want to see the riveting Mike Chang backstory. In the meantime, audiences will see him performing along with the whole cast in the four-city Glee live tour.
You'll also see his kickass choreography for the upcoming dance web series Legion of Extraordinary Dancers, directed by Jon M. Chu. Before the LXD premieres online this summer, they'll be opening for the Glee tour. Here's Jon Chu making the announcement on YouTube: LXD + GLEE on Tour TOGETHER at last!!