This sounds cool... Next week, the Asian American Writers' Workshop invites you to a Flavor Tripping Book Party in celebration of Monique Truong's second novel Bitter in the Mouth
Flavor Tripping Book Party for Monique Truong's Bitter in the MouthFor more information about the event, go to the AAWW website here. This Los Angeles Times book review has some great things to say about Bitter in the Mouth: The Saturday Read: 'Bitter in the Mouth' by Monique Truong. Sounds like a pretty interesting book. For more information about Monique Truong and her work, check out her website here.
Tuesday, September 7
7:00pm - 9:00pm
The Asian American Writers' Workshop
112 W 27th Street, Ste 600
New York, NY
A story of family secrets and discovery, of confession and revelation, Monique Truong's second novel Bitter in the Mouth follows Linda Hammerick, who has a secret sense—she can "taste" words. She falls for names and what they evoke: Canned peaches. Dill. Orange sherbet. Parsnip (to her great regret). In this celebration, actress Cindy Cheung will appear as Linda Hammerick in a reading followed by a miracle berry taste-a-thon. What will you taste after eating the fruit that makes everything sweet?