
ken jeong x pepto bismol: eat, drink & be covered

If you just can't get enough Ken Jeong, I got some more for you right here. Here's the good doctor doing his thing in, of all things, a Pepto Bismol commercial. People should enjoy their over-indulgent holiday eating, and Ken is here to help:

Ken Jeong is not the first guy I would have thought of as a spokesman for diarrhea medicine... but here he is. I'm fairly certain he is now contractually obligated to do a pelvic gyration in everything he appears in.

Awwwww yeah. So when it's time for your holiday party to get fonkee, here is what you need: good food, a snowman DJ, an Asian man in a pink bowtie shaking his ass, and a bottle of Pepto to fight the diarrhea.

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