This is pretty cool. I know lots of folks who like to take photos of food... but this is taking it to the next level. KCRW's Good Food blog has posted some crazy creative photos by artist Ju Duoqi, who takes photos of vegetables as models: Food As Model: Eye Candy at PHOTO LA.
Pretty creative. His pieces include "The Vegatable Museum," a collection of famous works of art (i.e. Warhol's Marilyn Monroe, Munch's "The Scream") re-interpreted with vegetables, and "The Fantasies of Chinese Cabbage," which is basically photos of really hot women... if they were made from vegetables.
They're weird and playful, and kind of unsettling. To see more photos of Ju Duoqi's crazy amazing vegetable art, go to the Galerie Paris-Beijing website here. (Thanks, Emmie.)