Hey look! Behold our friend George Shaw looking very much in his element and starring in this cool commercial directed by Ross Ching. Apparently inspired by this video, it's a DTS promotional piece created for CES in Las Vegas, featuring lots of crazy colors and sound and gloopy drops. It's quite an audio/visual extravaganza. See for yourself:
Pretty stunning stuff. You like that? How about in 3D? If you've got 3D glasses, you can watch the video in 3D here. For some detailed background information on the making of The Speaker Orchestra, go here. Ross explains all, from pre- to post-production. George also made his own behind-the-scenes video here.
Ross Ching is the super-talented director behind the action short 3 Minutes and Kina Grannis' crazy cute "Valentine" music video. To see more of his stuff, check out Ross' website here. And for more information on composer George Shaw and his music, check out his official website here.