
"chinese people need to learn brains and what freedom is"

Not much to explain about this video, except that it features one seriously self-entitled Canadian guy being a f@#king asshole at a train ticket window in Wuhan, Hubei province. You've heard of the Ugly American. I give you the Ugly Canadian, caught on camera at his ugliest:

Here's a partial transcript of Canada dude's greatest hits:
I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care, so stop telling me.

Jesus Christ. Calm down? It's fucking 2011. Chairman Mao is dead.

No! Chinese people need to learn brains and what freedom is.

Pisses me off. Seven years, I need a passport to hop a train? For two hours? Fucking ridiculous. Jesus Christ this fucking government has got to go.

Fuck. Passport to go on a fucking train. Oh, one world, one fucking dream. Bullshit.

No. No. See, I'm Canadian. I don't have to shut up. Chinese people have to shut up. Canada people don't have shut up.

See, Chinese people... I don't like the rules. Chinese people don't like the rules, they put you in jail. Canada people don't like the rules, they kick you out of the country. I want to get out of your country. Give me the fucking ticket to get out of your country.

Un-fucking-believable. It's not even my real passport. It's a photocopy. Pho-to-co-py. It's a photocopy of my passport. I can fake it. So it's not a real passport. It's fake. It's photocopied. Oh, Chinese government need photocopy of passprt. Un-fucking-believable.
Wow. Chinese people apparently need to "learn brains and what freedom is," and I suppose that this guy, ranting his ass off at the ticket window, is the one who's going to show everybody the way. I also appreciated him declaring, "I'm Canadian. I don't have to shut up." I had no idea that was an international rule. Who came up with that one? The United Nations? Happy travels, asshole.

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