Been digging the sounds of Blue Belt, a new indie hip hop collective out of Brooklyn, who just dropped their self-titled debut album. It's kind of raw, but they're kicking something both fresh and familiar. I've have had it on heavy rotation over the last few days, and it's growing on me fast.
Here's Blue Belt's official music video for "E.Y.B.," which is basically just a bunch of crazy rooftop shenanigans with slow motion, cardboard boxes and a strange quantity of cocaine-like white powder:
That looked like fun. By the way, I've been informed that E.Y.B. stands for "Eff Yr Blog." Well, that's not very nice. I hope they're not talking about this blog!
You can preview the rest of the album here:
Like it? Download the whole damn thing for free here. And for more information about Blue Belt and their music, check out the band's Facebook page here.