It's been a hell of year for Asians and libraries. I guess we couldn't close out the year without one last bit of Asian library madness. This video, apparently shot during finals at Cal State Northridge, is rapidly making the rounds today. At the center, we have an agitated Asian American student having a certified freakout in the library, directed at fellow students who were being too noisy:
It's not clear what transpired right before this clip to set off her meltdown, but she's clearly frustrated and stressed out. It looks like she's trying to keep her composure at first, speaking in faux-hushed tones -- it's the library, after all -- before basically losing it.
The video has sparked a bunch of discussions around the web, and a lot of people apparently find it funny that she "takes finals too serious." The idiotic gigglers in the video obviously do. Give her a break.
Frankly, what I really feel is sympathy (and embarrassment) for the student, who's had it, isn't taking any more shit, and getting mocked for it. Could she have handled this a little more tactfully? Maybe. But part of me wishes she'd kicked someone's ass. More commentary here: Video: Student "freaks out" in library over others "breathing loudly."