Did you catch this week's episode of Top Chef? I've been avidly watching all season, following the progress of this latest crop of chefs and particularly rooting for contestant Beverly Kim, sister of our friend Lee Ann Kim of the San Diego Asian Film Festival. I was pretty psyched there were three Asian American chefs among the remaining contestants... [SPOILER ALERT]
That is, until last night. In a particularly awesome challenge involving actress Charlize Theron and an Evil Queen-themed meal, all the chefs brought their best bag of tricks to the table. In the end, it would be the littlest details that would determine who was going home. Alas, when all was said and done, Beverly's halibut dish got edged out. Read the recap here.
But wait. It's not quite over yet for Ms. Kim. In Bravo's web-only Last Chance Kitchen, eliminated cheftestants compete against each other for another chance to get back in the game. Can Beverly get a second shot? Watch and find out here. In the meantime, I'm still rooting for chefs Edward Lee and Paul Qui. Cook your asses off, gentlemen.