Wow. While I will cop to being a big fan of Downton Abbey, I didn't think I'd ever have much of a reason to post about the Masterpiece Theater period drama miniseries around these parts. Thanks to our friend Adam WarRock, now I have a hell of the reason. The internet's foremost comic book rapper has posted a kickass Downton-themed track that fans can truly geek out over. Check it out:
"In the house like Lord Grantham, that's the damn anthem!" Of course, if you've never seen the show, none of this will really make any sense. That's all right. Downton Abbey is the most gangsta show on television, and I ain't afraid to say it. Eugene has made the song available as a free download here.
Adam WarRock recently dropped his latest full-length album, You Dare Call That Thing Human?!? You can download it here for ten bucks.