In a place called Naboo, or mythical China.: Why mythical China? Why are all the men white and the only people of color are women? Jennifer Chang writes a thoughtful response to the Nightingale panel at the La Jolla Playhouse last week.
IAmA Japanese American who was imprisoned in the Internment Camp Tule Lake: An "Ask Me Anything" Reddit discussion with a Japanese American who was interned at Tule Lake during World War II.
Filmmaker's 25 New Faces of Independent Film: Patrick Wang: Patrick Wang's debut film In the Family put him on the independent filmmaker radar.
Race and Ichiro's Muddled Mariner Legacy: On race, sports, and Ichiro Suzuki's request to be traded from the Mariners to the Yankees.
Jeremy Lin: Behind The Scenes: takes a behind-the-scenes look at Jeremy Lin's first day back with the Houston Rockets.
Chloe Flower Interview: More Than Just Classical Music: An interview with pianist Chloe Flower, who went from classical training to working with Nas.
Experimental Fiction At Its Finest - And Funniest: A book review on Charles Yu's Sorry Please Thank You, a collection of short fiction stories.
Author Don Lee Addresses The Young Asian American Experience: An interview with Don Lee, author of The Collective, plus an excerpt from the book.
How Does Comedy Work? Randall Park Explains! Actor Randall Park demystifies comedy and teaches the National Film Society how to be funnier.
My Irrational Fear Of 'The Law': Blogger Elizabeth Jayne Liu of Flourish in Progress wonders why she is so afraid of cops.
Magnus and whitewashing: Cassandra Clare presents all the evidence on why Magnus should be played by a nonwhite actor. Hint: Magnus isn't white.
Asian American Athletes Represent Team USA at 2012 Olympics: Asian America! Meet your reps at this year's Olympics.
Merrill is UCSD's accidental Olympian Christine Merril never planned to run track and currently holds a full-time job at San Diego's Solar Turbine. She's also competing in the hurdles for Sri Lanka during the Summer Olympics. Amazing.
'Total Recall' three-breast actress both irked and excited: Toronto-based model/actress Kaitlyn Leeb has been getting a lot of attention for her role as the three-breasted prostitute in the upcoming Total Remake. But she assures everyone that it's just movie magic.
No Breaks: DoobyBrain: "No Breaks" is a series that profiles Asian American talents. This episode features Herman Yung, a.k.a. blogger "DoobyBrain."
Asian-American vote key for both parties: Though a majority of Asian-Americans are expected to back Obama again this year, the Romney campaign has made aggressive efforts to reach out to Asian business owners.
'Mr. Cao' Recalls Rookie Congressman's Unlikely Rise Leo Chiang's Mr. Cao Goes to Washington is a documentary on Joseph Cao, the lawyer who became the first Vietnamese American Congressmember. The filmmaker offers insight on Cao's rise and decision making.