Seen this video? I know a lot of people who were pretty bummed when Jeremy Lin departed New York to sign with the Houston Rockets. But I'm pretty sure nobody was more broken up than this kid Naim.
Upon learning that the Knicks would not match Houston's offer sheet, the 5-year-old Jeremy fan had something of an emotional breakdown... and his dad caught the whole thing on video. It's ridiculously cute:
But wait. It doesn't end there. Somewhere along the way, the video reached Jeremy. He saw how distraught the kid was, so he arranged to speak with young Naim via Skype video chat. Jeremy thanked him for his support, answered his questions, and encouraged him to keep cheering for the Knicks. And again, his dad recorded the whole thing on video. Check it out:
Jeremy, you rock so much. I got nothing else to say.