Who are you?
My name's Howard Chen. I've also been called Ho Chen. Or Ho Chizzle. Or Ho Diggity. Or just a Ho. Your choice. On Twitter, I'm @ho_chenCSN.
What are you?
A dork. A Canadian-Texan dork with parents from Taiwan. Oh, I'm also a sports nut. And a foodie. I loooooooove eating good food. I also loooooooove watching TV shows showcasing good food.
Where are you?
Houston, Texas (to be more specific, I'm in Sugar Land). This is where I went to high school. This is where my family lives, where my old high school friends are. I haven't been back in 14 years, so to be back now doing what I love feels ultimately gratifying. Seriously, the look on my parents' faces is the most priceless thing ever.
Where are you from?
I was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, lived there until I was 11, then moved to Sugar Land, Texas, where my family has remained since. Houston's a great city. This became all the more obvious to me as I chased my dreams and tried to make it back here.
What do you do?
I'm a TV sportsguy who is lucky enough to cover Jeremy Lin and the Houston Rockets for Comcast Sportsnet Houston. I chose the TV route over radio and newspaper mainly because there aren't enough of us Asian males out there representing, and seeing a face on TV is more influential, in my mind, than hearing a voice on the radio or seeing a name in print. I know plenty of Asian Americans love sports. I hope that seeing more Asian-American sportsguys on TV can influence them to chase their dreams. I hope ANYBODY (regardless the race) seeing me reach the place I've always wanted can help motivate them to chase their dreams, whatever they may be. That's what kept me in this game for so long, even though my dreams kept me away from home for so long. The 14 years away were worth what I'm experiencing now. I spent 4 years studying at Syracuse University and then 10 years in Ohio. I missed Houston a ton. And now I'm back. It feels unbelieveable. It helps that everybody at Comcast Sportsnet has been so nice, professional, and genuine.
What are you all about?
Loyalty. Being genuine. Honesty. Giving all of myself. I stay fierce to these principles. People who are this way to me, I return the favor. Every relationship, no matter the type, is mutual. I believe this. I also believe that things happen for a reason.
What makes you angry?
Ignorance. Fakeness. Dishonesty. I love my friends and family, and they have my back. I have theirs. Like I said earlier, I beileve relationships are mutual. All these people believed in me along the way. So much unconditional support. To be living my dream now where I have all of this... it's simply amazing.