The study entails a 10-minute telephone screening, a brief demographic questionnaire, and one-hour interview (in-person, over the phone or via Skype) about your experience as an Asian American caring for your parent.
Here's some more information about the study and who is eligible:
[UPDATE: The participation criteria has been changed. They are now recruiting both single and married individuals for this study. I've updated the details below.]
I am examining the experience of 1.5-generation and second-generation Asian Americans caring for aging parents. I am currently recruiting for this study.All eligible participants will receive a $25 Amazing gift card upon completion of the interview. If you're eligible, please consider taking part in the study -- this is valuable research for our community. For further information, and submit yourself for the study, contact May Kanti at 202-525-6295 or
You are eligible to participate if:
- You were born in the U.S. OR you immigrated to the U.S. before age 12.
- You live in the U.S.
- You have a parent who is 65 years old or older.
- Your parent was born in China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, or Southeast Asia.
- Your parent has been living with you for at least a year.
- You have been providing financial support for your parent during that time.
You are not eligible to participate if your parent has a chronic illness, such as Alzheimer's disease or cancer.
What does participating in this study entail?
- A 10-minute telephone screening.
- Brief demographic questionnaire.
- Approximately one-hour interview in-person, over the phone, or via Skype. During the interview, you will be asked questions about your experience as an Asian American caring for your parent. If the interview takes place in-person, it will take place at a location convenient to you.