It's on! Time to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is An Rong Xu.
Who are you?
I am An Rong, but at Starbucks, I'm Aaron or Ani, depending on how I feel.
What are you?
I am an American with a complicated family history that starts in China.
Grew up watching The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers and Baywatch with my Grandfather.
Where are you?
Currently in NYC, but flirting with the idea of elsewhere, I'm taking offers.
Where are you from?
At the age of 2, I took a 10,000 mile journey from Taishan, China, to Mulberry Street in Chinatown, New York. Grew up there for a bit, and then moved to Queens, where the New York Mets taught me the hardest things in life, how to deal with heartbreak and just because it has syrup on it doesn't mean it's pancakes.
What do you do?
I am a documentary photographer, filmmaker, and sensitive artist.
What are you all about?
At the moment, I'm all about long thoughtful conversations, finding oneself, long journeys, making the best of every situation, good soul food and romantics.
When not thinking about those, my long term goal is to tell the story of the Chinese American people through my photographs and to eventually fall in love.
I'd also love to start making more films with Asian American talent, holla at your boy.
What makes you angry?
Nothing makes me more angry than ignorance, misplaced items, and bad penmanship. Ain't having none of that up in here!
Check out An Rong's work at and follow him on Instagram @AnRizzy.