1. ABC orders Ken Jeong's 'Dr. Ken' to series
ABC just doubled the number of Asian American families on prime time network television.
2. Brooklyn kids arrested for harassing Chinese seniors
Groups of teenagers have been terrorizing Asian-owned businesses in Bensonhurst.
3. A Japanese American internee's rejection letter from Yale
Correspondence tells the story of a young man's pursuit of higher education from behind barbed wire.
4. TMZ airs racist segment mocking Kpop group EXID
Reporting includes predictably stupid faux Asian accent.
5. Of course, a white woman played Manny Pacquiao on 'SNL'
'Saturday Night Live' spoofs Maywather/Pacquiao fight... with Aidy Brant as Manny.
6. Watch 11 documentaries on public TV for AAPI Heritage Month
Presented by CAAM. Check your local PBS and public TV stations for schedules.
7. Leaving a guy in a holding cell for five days, nearly killing him, is apparently not bad enough to get you fired.
DEA agents responsible for Daniel Chong's mistreatment got off with a slap on the wrist.
8. Angry Reader of the Week: Akemi Look
"If the system tells us that we do not belong, we need to create our own system."
9. Police fatally shoot suspect after meat cleaver attack
32-year-old Thong Kien Ma was shot by deputies after stabbing his neighbor.
10. Where are the Asian American executives at top tech firms?
New report says Silicon Valley companies are bypassing Asians for exec jobs.
Stay Angry, my friends.