
October 24 is National Take Your Ethnic Food To Work Day

Plan a potluck! And bring your funkiest, smelliest ethnic food to the workplace.

Mark your calendars! It's time to get ethnic. As everyone knows, October 24 is national Take Your Ethnic Food To Work Day -- your annual opportunity to stink it up and bring your funkiest, smelliest ethnic food to the workplace. No judgement! Organize a lunchtime potluck for your office and share photos of you, your coworkers, and of course, your stanky-ass food using the hashtag #foodtowork.

Here's how one California workplace celebrated back in 2014:

What are you taking to work? Remember to join in the celebration on October 24. This is one day of the year to get ethnic. Bring your stinkiest kimchi, your smelliest durian, your most funky curry. And fish sauce fish sauce fish sauce. Just rip open that tupperware and declare it. Eat it loud. Eat it with pride.

For further information about National Take Your Ethnic Food to Work Day, visit the official website and follow #foodtowork on Facebook. And remind everyone by joining and sharing the Facebook event with your friends.

National Take Your Ethnic Food to Work Day is sponsored by Bad Appetite Magazine, the National Food to Work Foundation (founded in 1998 by the American Fish Sauce Cooperative, the Korean Kimchi Cultural Foundation of America, and the Norwegian Council of Lutefisk Manufacturers) and Angry Asian Man.

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