How was your Halloween? As you recover from that candy-induced sugar crash and other spooky holiday revelry, check out some costume photos. In what has become a really fun and super-popular tradition, we put the call out to you, the good reader of this blog, for photos of your totally awesome, culturally-appropriate, non-asshole Halloween costumes to feature in our annual gallery. As usual, you answered the call.
Above, we have the adorable Wangsuda family looking quite fierce as Gecko, Owlette, Cat Boy and Luna Girl from PJ Masks. Thank you to everyone who sent in photos! Be sure to check out all the great photos posted yesterday in Part One. Now here's Part Two of this year's Halloween costume gallery:

Jonah is the heavyweight champ!

The Cat in the Hat, with assistance from Thing 1 and Thing 2.

Cheese + Tomato = Pizza.

Blue Crayon + Yellow Crayon = Green Crayon.

Two-month-old Harper as an adorably delicious serving of Cup Noodles.

Vic & Patti as Hall & Oates.

Will as a Dapper Nerd.

Karen as Daenerys Targaryen, mother of dragons Lincoln, Carver and Mozart.

Keina casts a spell as Elphaba from Wicked.

Katie as Asian Emma Stone! Take that, whitewashing!

Thanu the fire fighter and Porrawat the mummy.

Birch loves the Harleys like his old man Jon.

Mario, Luigi and Louise Belcher from Bob's Burgers.

Jeff and Emily as Ash Ketchum and Pikachu.

Manoa is spicy as Tapatio, with her cat Beast dressed as a taco.

And finally... Leizel and The Morning After Halloween Walk of Shame.