"Trump is going to fuck you. You fuckers need to leave. Fucking Asian piece of shit."
Jordan Chan was at a restaurant in Carmel Valley, California celebrating her aunt's birthday when they encountered this piece of shit, who started making racist remarks at them. The man, who social media is identifying as Michael Lofthouse, was caught on camera telling them, "Trump is going to fuck you. You fuckers need to leave. Fucking Asian piece of shit." Chan posted the video on Instagram and the internet took it from there. May you suffer the consequences of your actions. Happy 4th of July. Fuck Trump and fuck this guy.
"You guys can't be in this country."
Meanwhile, in Marin County, an Asian American family was out enjoying a hike in the woods when they encountered a woman who stopped them and told them they "can't be in this country" after scolding them for having a dog on the trail. (There were apparently several other hikers with dogs on the trail. I highly doubt she confronted all those folks.) She told them they were breaking the law and -- classic move, true to form! -- pulled out her phone to call the police, aka The Manager. Then she scurried away when she realized she was being filmed. Meet the internet, lady.

Woman who went on anti-Asian tirades arrested on separate battery charge
Remember that racist lady in Torrance? You know who I'm talking about. The woman whose racist anti-Asian tirades went viral last month has a warrant out for her arrest -- but not for those incidents. She's wanted in connection with a separate confrontation from last year. 54-year-old Lena Hernandez was charged Thursday in an alleged case of battery stemming from an incident at a local mall on October 14, 2019, in which she verbally assaulted a custodian and struck another person who tried to intervene. According to the city attorney, there is "insufficient evidence" to support filing criminal charges regarding the incidents at the park. Folks calling for her head will have to settle for the battery charge, and hope you don't run into Lena on the street.

ICE: Foreign Students Must Leave The U.S. If Their Colleges Go Online-Only This Fall
Foreign students attending U.S. colleges that will operate entirely online this fall semester cannot remain in the country to do so, according to new regulations released Monday by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. So these have a choice, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: risk your life going to class in-person or get deported. Another cruel, garbage move by the White House and its ongoing campaign of to rid the nation of immigrants, one xenophobic step at a time.

The F*CK Racism Collection
A shirt design for our times. A collaboration between People Anyday and ZeebLabs, the limited edition shirt has a fun message when you fold it up. All proceeds from sales of the shirt will go to the Equal Justice Initiative.