Bizarre Republican Ad Blames Biden for Anti-Asian Violence Incited by Trump
A new attack ad blames Joe Biden for the spike in racist violence against Asian Americans since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. When I do recall it was Donald Fucking Trump who started calling it "the Chinese virus" and "the Kung flu."
Can Social Media Rhetoric Incite Hate Incidents? Evidence from Trump's "Chinese Virus" Tweets
The number of anti-Asian incidents sharply increased following Donald Trump's initial "China virus" tweets -- especially in the Trump-supporting counties, where such incidents spiked by an estimated 4000 percent.
In California, two Asian Americans fight for a seat in the House — and with each other
Democrat Jay Chen is challenging Republican incumbent Michelle Steel in a district where more than a third of voters are Asian Americans. Some of the accusations being hurled, specifically around China and communism, have frustrated voters.
Asian Americans' Place in the History of Racial Justice
Ellen Wu discusses her forthcoming project focused on the plight of Asian Americans in the U.S. racial divide, as Ellen dives into the diverse cultural backgrounds of the Asian American population.
Asian Americans had the highest rate of mail-in voting in 2020. New laws could block that progress
"These states are reducing all the great practices of 2020 that made voting more accessible," Christine Chen, executive director of the nonpartisan organization Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote, said.
A Chinese Immigrant's Fearless Comedy Set Went Viral. Then Came the Backlash.
A Chinese Immigrant's Fearless Comedy Set Went Viral. Then Came the Backlash.