Boo friggin' hoo, Bill O'Reilly. So after dropping some of his expert knowledge -- in other words, totally uninformed and blatantly ignorant generalizations -- on Asian people and drawing the criticism of community members, lawmakers and of course, Stephen Colbert, The O'Reilly Factor host is now complaining that his comments were taken out of context by Media Matters. Waaaah.
Here's Hawaii congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa, who says O'Reilly owes Hawaiians and Asian Americans an apology, appearing on The O'Reilly Factor to throw down her beef with Bill.
Please, Bill. I know you get paid the big bucks to be a lying sack of hot air, but for once, just shut your mouth.
Funny that this is the guy complaining about people taking things out of context. If you haven't seen O'Reilly's comments about us "industrious and hard-working" Asian folks, you can see the relevant video and complete transcript of his original remarks from January 3, courtesy of Media Matters, and decide for yourself.