
Read These Blogs

The soft bigotry of having to change your name. Because somehow Tchaikovsky is easier. What's in a name? A ton of discrimination if your name doesn't "sound white."

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How the Graham-Cassidy Proposal Would Hurt Communities of Color: There have been repeated efforts by Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The newest iteration has been the Graham-Cassidy proposal. Here's how it could hurt communities of color.

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If You're Undocumented in Trump's America, Mental Health Matters: For many, the realities of the undocumented experience in America today rival the stressors that brought them here in the first place.

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Against "Fire and Fury": As tensions with North Korea continue to rise, Korean American voices are often left out of the conversation. Hyphen presents twelve responses to the ongoing crisis.

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It's called the 'Pao effect' - Asian women in tech are fighting deep-rooted discrimination: Ellen Pao's Reset: My Fight for Inclusion and Lasting Change delves into the legal battle against her former venture capital form. Her case has brought attention to discrimination against women, and in particular Asian women, in Silicon Valley. Since her lawsuit, many Asian and Asian American women in tech are speaking out about their own experiences.

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Where have you gone, Tim Lincecum? In search of beloved Giants ace: Tim Lincecum, once considered one of the best pitchers in Major League Baseball, has seemingly gone AWOL, now nowhere to be found.

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The Exorcist: How John Cho is changing American horror: 'I had not seen Asian faces in American horror, and it kind of tickled me to want to change that visual vocabulary a bit,' the actor says

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"The Tiger Hunter" star Karen David on embracing her multiracial identity and auditioning in Hollywood: An interview with Karen David, who can be seen in The Tiger Hunter, a film about an immigrant form an Indian village trying to make it as an engineer in 1970s Chicago.

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