20+ Allyship Actions for Asians to Show Up for the Black Community Right Now
This was posted several weeks ago in response to Ahmaud Arbery's murder, but it's worth re-sharing because, unfortunately, ongoing police violence continues to make it relevant. How can the Asian and Asian American community show up for our Black siblings?
South Asians and Black Lives
"For South Asians committed to ending state violence against Black people, it has always been clear that our work goes further, that we must also work to undo anti-Blackness within our own communities. The hard conversations with our parents and our uncles and aunties about white supremacy, anti-Black racism, and solidarity are not usually easy or fruitful. But there are moments of clarity and windows of possibility."
Trump's encouragement of racism against Asian Americans is an affront to all Americans
Deflecting blame for his own failure to heed the warnings of experts to prepare for this crisis, Trump has stood in the White House briefing room day after day and pulled from the same cynical playbook he's relied on so many times before, toking grievances and using the same politics of division that helped him get elected in the first place, this time by casting Asian Americans as the "other."
'Family Is Just Not Replaceable': How COVID-19 Ravaged One Family in LA's Koreatown
Hannah Kim chronicles her family's journey with COVID-19 in a series of essays and audio diaries.
Teens Are Helping Their Family Businesses During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Asian American small businesses have had a particularly rough time.
Hopes for a quick recovery fade in NYC's Chinatown
"The road to recovery for New York City's Chinatown looks fraught with challenges: restaurants at half-occupancy, landlords attempting to collect on months of deferred rent, banks increasing loan-loss provisions. Add in worries over xenophobia and foreclosures, and a picture starts to form over how uphill a battle the community faces."
Talking to kids about xenophobia
As you know, hate incidents against people of Asian descent are up since COVID-19 was first reported. Here's some advice from the experts on how parents can help kids make sense of that.
Am I the Enemy or the Hero?
An allergist and immunologist in San Francisco ponders caring for patients in the midst of anti-Asian racism.
Mixtape features alluring sounds of Asian Americans
A mixtape of artists who navigate the complex space between Asian/Pacific Islander American.
In 'Be Water', Bao Nguyen looks at the giant shadow cast by Bruce Lee
Filmmaker Bao Nguyen's ESPN 30 For 30 documentary Be Water is a tribute to Bruce Lee, whose martial arts classic Enter the Dragon played an important role in Nguyen's childhood.
I play Anna May Wong in ‘Hollywood.’ Her invisibility as an Asian American actress mirrors my own.
The new Netflix series tells the story of Wong, played by Michelle Krusiec, trying to prove her worth,
Aneesh Chaganty Is Living in His Parents' House, Contemplating a Searching Sequel
Filmmaker Aneesh Chaganty shares how he's been spending quarantine.