A Letter to My Fellow Asian Women Whose Hearts Are Still Breaking
"Still and always, hypersexualized, ignored, gaslit, marginalized, and disrespected as we've been, I am so fortified, so alive, when I'm with us."
How Racism and Sexism Intertwine to Torment Asian American Women
Many viewed the shooting rampage in Atlanta that left eight people dead as the culmination of a racialized misogyny that they say has long been directed at them.
Racism, sexism must be considered in Atlanta case involving killing of six Asian women, experts say
While police said the suspect denied having racial motivations, experts and activists alike say it's nearly impossible to divorce race from the discourse, given the historical fetishization of Asian women.
To be an Asian woman in America
"To be an Asian woman in America means you can't just be what you are: a fully enfranchised human being. It means you are a blank screen on which others project their stories, especially, too often, their sexualized fantasies -- because US culture has long presented Asian women as sexualized objects for White male enjoyment."
The spa shootings reignited the trauma of everyday racism and misogyny
"The news brought to mind the men who have seen my Asian face, my Asian body, as something to conquer."
Column: If the mass killing of six Asian women isn't a hate crime, what is?
Let's not accept how law enforcement frames the mass killing of people of color.
Steph Cha: The Atlanta shooting is another reminder the cops are not our friends
"The police and law-and-order conservatives are always happy to use us and even protect us when it suits their needs. And although we might benefit from their attention, they don't actually care about us. The system they serve wasn't built for us. It was built for white people."
How Hollywood Is Complicit in the Violence Against Asians in America
Reducing Asians, women and sex workers to flat punchlines isn't just degrading — it's dangerous.
Why This Wave of Anti-Asian Racism Feels Different
The author Cathy Park Hong sees the recent upsurge in violence as a turning point for Asian Americans.
Asian Americans Are Being Attacked. Why Are Hate Crime Charges So Rare?
Several recent attacks have not been charged as hate crimes, fueling protests and outrage among many Asian Americans.
Recent Rise in Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Doesn't Mean Anti-Asian Racism Is New
This op-ed talks about how recent anti-Asian violence is rooted in a long history of racism and U.S. policy.
The history of tensions — and solidarity — between Black and Asian American communities, explained
How white supremacy tried to divide Black and Asian Americans — and how communities worked to find common ground.