Corky Lee's Photographs Helped Generations of Asian-Americans See Themselves
Legendary photographer Corky Lee, who died last week, viewed his camera lens as an extension of his activism, helping Asian Americans recognize their shared yearnings and struggles.
A Scientist Is Arrested, and Academics Push Back
Gang Chen, an M.I.T. professor, faces federal charges of hiding affiliations with China. His colleagues, and M.I.T., are publicly challenging the allegations.
What Tracy Chou learned about online harassment while building an app to solve it
Tracy Chou's new app, Block Party, aims to give people control over harassing content.
I'm A First-Generation Indian American Woman. I Married Into A Family Of Trump Supporters.
"I had so wanted to be a part of this family. But how could they love me, a brown-skinned woman, if they believed lies that placed whiteness above all else?"
Many South Asian Americans Tap Into Their Community To Kick-Start Their Political Careers
While fundraising from within the South Asian American community can boost some South Asian Americans' political campaigns, community support doesn't always guarantee success and can pose a unique set of challenges for newcomers.
The only samurai colony ever attempted outside of Japan was in California
Wakamatsu Farm was the first home of Japanese immigrant families in the United States.
Try Harder! Sundance Film Considers College Admission Bias
Debbie Lum's documentary Try Harder!, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, follows students at San Francisco's top public high school.
Kate Tsang's film debut combines 'weirdo' magic with the joy of Asian American family life
Kate Tsang, writer/director of the Sundance feature Marvelous and the Black Hole, discusses Asian American representation and sleight of hand magic.
The Downside Of Bling Empire, House Of Ho, & The New Wave Of Asian Representation
These two reality TV shows focus on wealthy Asian Americans, revealing the limitations of representation.
Chronicles of a Bubble-Tea Addict
"Boba and I spent our adolescence as scrappy, enterprising immigrants at America's periphery. For a new generation, it's a ubiquitous, Instagram-friendly mark of Asian identity."
Pork Buns Have Become an American Favorite. Why Can't We Acknowledge They're Taiwanese?
The American pork bun craze is borrowed from the Taiwanese classic, gua bao.
With His Fourth Book, Charles Yu Finally Feels Like a Writer
Interior Chinatown explores Asian American stereotypes, something that captivated novelist and TV writer Charles Yu as he thought about stars, supporting characters and who gets to play the lead.
Grace Lin was early to champion diversity in children's literature
Growing up, Grace Lin longed to find role models she could emulate in her career. "I found parts of them, but I never found one person."
He Can't Carry a Tune, but Chang-rae Lee Has a Song to Sing
Author Chang-rae Lee's sixth novel, My Year Abroad, is about letting yourself plunge into the world, even when it hurts. He's been thinking about that a lot over these past, painful months.
'I Can Be Someone I Didn't Have.' Actor Simu Liu on Asian Representation and His Marvel Future
Simu Liu stars in the upcoming Marvel film, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.