Threats against Kelly Marie Tran highlight a fear of women who break sexist stereotypes: So you may have heard that racist, sexist online trolls have targeted Star Wars: The Last Jedi star Kelly Marie Tran. It's not just her race and gender: her character wasn't hyper-sexualized, which infuriated some right-wing types.
The Year in "Diversity Fatigue": Diversity is increasingly the scapegoat when something old and reliable begins to falter. This year, the supposed overemphasis on diversity was invoked to explain everything from ESPN's ratings to comic book sales.
8 Asian American Movement Stories from 2017: "The following are a few stories that reflect Asian America not as a demographic category, or even a political vision, but as a political practice that resists imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, and all its attendant gendered/raced/classed modes of violence."
A Tech Pioneer's Final, Unexpected Act: Upon receiving a diagnosis of terminal brain cancer, Eric Sun set out to achieve some lifelong musical goals.
The Other People in Springfield: Imran Siddiquee considers the ways in which his identities -- as a Bangladeshi-American and as a man -- were shaped by growing up in the shadow of The Simpsons.
Viet Thanh Nguyen Provided a Light of Truth in Dark 2017: A few weeks ago, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Viet Thanh Nguyen learned that his autobiographical short story, "War Years," has been censored from the Vietnamese translation of his collection, The Refugees.
Before Jojo McIntosh became the Huskies' hard-hitting safety, his family escaped war-torn Cambodia: Washington Huskies' junior safety Jojo McIntosh's grandparents got out of war-torn Cambodia in 1982. He plays never forgetting their sacrifices.
The Adventures Of Bruce Lee And Freddie Mercury Figures: In the weird imaginary universe of these action figures, Bruce Lee and Freddie Mercury are the best of friends.
ANT-MAN AND THE WASP Spotlight: Jimmy Woo, Marvel's First Asian-American Hero: With Randall Park appearing as secret agent Jimmy Woo in Marvel's upcoming Ant-Man and the Wasp, here's an informative explainer diving in to the strange and surprising history of the character.
Life lessons you can learn from Bruce Lee: You definitely know Bruce Lee as a famous martial artist and movie star. But did you know Lee was also a philosopher, entrepreneur and a self-made man? Digging deep into his life, we can find lessons that will help any of us live a more meaningful, thoughtful, dedicated life.