
gold medalists giveaway winners

Thank you to everyone who entered the Gold Medalists CD giveaway contest, courtesy of Actually Records. The City Lights Us on Fire is the debut album from San Francisco's Peter Nguyen. In order to the enter the contest, you had to write in with the answer to this question: Of which two San Francisco-based bands is Peter Nguyen also a member? A correct response would refer to noise/metalheads Total Shutdown and indie-rockers eE. Our winners, chosen at random, are:

Patrick M. of Rockville, MD
Brian M. of Minneapolis, MN
Donald L. of San Francisco, CA
Yuji I. of Parlin, NJ
Justine S. of Princeton, NJ

You should be getting your shiny new CD in the mail soon. Free stuff is fun. The rest of you, sorry. Better luck next time. If you still want the album, you can get your copy of The City Lights Us on Fire here. Special thanks goes to Chien at Actually Records, for hooking it up.

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