
campus press opinion staff suspended, karson responds

More news out of the University of Colorado... Due to their monumentally poor editorial judgment, the duties of the entire opinion-section staff of the Campus Press have reportedly been suspended in the wake of outcry over Max Karson's "War on Asians" column: Campus Press opinion section on hold.

Meanwhile, Karson can't stop won't stop his idiotic rants, defending himself in a letter to the Daily Camera, in which he describes CU as a "racist hell-hole." Yes, Max. And you're part of it: Real issue is racism. The real issue is indeed racism. The racism you promoted when you wrote that damn column. Satire, my ass.

He says his aim in writing the column was to provoke dialogue about racism on campus, but became disappointed when the conversation instead became about suppressing his right to free speech. That's a load of crap. I don't understand how he could possibly believe this "racist hell-hole" would suddenly become enlightened after reading his ridiculous column. Karson brought this on himself, and now he's trying to dig his way out of a hole.

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