
"female, wounded veteran... ehhh."

Respect. You've got to love a congressional candidate who handles himself with respect. Take Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL), who had some choice things to say about his opponent Tammy Duckworth: Rep. Joe Walsh Says Of Opponent Tammy Duckworth: 'Female, Wounded Veteran... Ehhh.'

Oh, wait. Not respect. Duckworth, former Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs in the Department of Veterans Affairs, lost both her legs and part of her arm while serving as a U.S. Army helicopter pilot in Iraq. To that, all Walsh had to say was "Ehhh."
"I have so much respect for what she did in the fact that she sacrificed her body for this country," said Walsh, simultaneously lowering his voice as he leaned forward before pausing for dramatic effect. "Ehhh. Now let's move on."

"What else has she done? Female, wounded veteran... ehhh," he continued. "She is nothing more than a handpicked Washington bureaucrat. David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel just picked her up and dropped her into this district."
Kind of funny how you can start out your statement saying one thing, and end it basically saying the exact opposite. Classy. More here: Tea party freshman Joe Walsh readies for tough fight.

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