Investigation into Santa Ana beating death hits a wall of silence: Some of Kim Pham's friends may hold the clues that could bring her killers to justice. But so far, no one has come forward and no one is talking.
How Well Does the Media Cover Race? [Report]: Jay Smooth drops some knowledge about Race Forward's Moving the Race Conversation Forward, a new report that aims to reshape and reform the way we talk about race and racism in the our country. Watch the video and read the report.
Arexis Fongman: A Case Study on Casual Racism: Why is it that so many who justify their actions behind the excuse of "satire" have no idea what it actually means? Case in point: Ms. Alexis Fishman, also known for a hot minute by her racist alter ego "Alexis Fongman."
Seeing none, Korean-American community works to recruit foster parents: Recruiting foster parents in Los Angeles County is tough. Finding Asian caregivers, particularly Koreans, even more so. A new partnership between the county's Department of Family and Child Services and Korean organizations is amping up outreach to the county's Korean speakers.
Indians a rising force in California politics: A growing roster of Indian American candidates and elected officials are emerging in California politics, despite their relatively small population in the state.
How George Takei Made It Through Sundance: BuzzFeed shadowed Star Trek icon and human rights activist George Takei, the subject of the new feature documentary To Be Takei, as he and husband Brad Takei braved the wilds of the Sundance Film Festival.
Hooray for Joan Watson: Why well-rounded Asian-American characters matter: "My younger sister and I used to play a game when we watched TV. It didn't have a name, but I'm going to call it 'Asians!' It was pretty simple, really; there was only one goal. Whenever an Asian - specifically, an East or South-East Asian - appeared on the screen, we'd cry, 'Asian!'" Dude. I played the exact same game. I still play it.
Tiger Mom vs. Brooklyn Dragon: I Hereby Challenge Amy Chua to a Barefist Kung Fu Duel: "I'm talkin' the most Chinese Mahjong Fukien showdown. Ever." Come on. The title of this post alone is worth a click.
On Asian American Privilege: "Yes, Asian American race privilege exists, and yes, we participate in anti-black racism - and as Asian Americans, we need to do something about it. What strategies and movement practices would it take to build a more visible and organized base of antiracist Asian Americans?"
I'm in the 78%: Asian Americans and Reproductive Choice: On the 41st anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, Jenn Fang of Reappropriate breaks down some critical yet woefully under-discussed data on Asian American women and reproductive health.
What LGBT America Can Learn From Asian American History: "The growing number of states legalizing same-sex marriages has many in the LGBT community convinced that full assimilation is inevitable. But as an Asian American gay man, I'm unconvinced that assimilation for the whole LGBT community is inevitable or even possible, nor that simply being assimilated is even desirable."
What #NotYourAsianSidekick Means To Me: "What I've noticed in all of these hashtags is that they all provide a space for individuals of color to openly share their personal experiences which they couldn't comprehend or process before, and by putting them into words and sharing them with others who've felt similarly, they allow for empowerment and encouragement in a sphere of community."
Tenants from Ming Sun's Past: the Bak Mei Kung Fu Association: This blog recently posted some awesome historic photos of the Bak Mei Kung Fu Association in Vancouver, circa early 1970s.
First Days: The first Hmong American judge didn't always acknowledge his roots: PRI talks to Paul Lo, the first-ever Hmong American judge, recently appointed to Merced County Superior Court in California.
Love Your Dads: Q&A With Rad Brown Dads' Ahmed Ali Akbar: The Aerogram talks to Ahmed Ali Akbar, founder of Rad Brown Dads, a most excellent Tumblr tribute "fostering self-love and retrospection via the struggles, beauty and power of parents of color."
10 little-known historical facts about American Chinese food: Chinese food is not Chinese food. For real. The "Chinese" dishes popularly consumed here in United States would not be found on menus in China. Turns out, the Chinese food most Americans know and enjoy is about as American as it gets.
Chinatown Revisited: "A few years ago, I wrote a book about American Chinatowns and my family's history in them. People often ask, 'What's your favorite Chinatown?' or 'What do you look for?' I wondered if there was a shorthand I could offer, to sum up the best of the best. And so: fish, dragons, smoke, crowds."
Paul Lee, who loved & fought for Chinatown, dies at 63: Paul J.Q. Lee, a small business owner, actor and activist known as the "go-to man in Chinatown," died January 18 at age 63.
Kristina Wong's stereotype-skewering humor: Stop and think about it: As an event-crasher, performer and writer, Kristina Wong has tried to get people to think about unacknowledged stereotypes and prejudices.
Behind The Cello: Celebrated cellist Yo-Yo Ma reflects on the role of arts, creativity and the edges of life.
Kung Fu Journal (January 23, 2014): The third installment of playwright David Henry Hwang's behind-the-scenes blog posts giving a glimpse into the rehearsal process for his new play Kung Fu.
Race and casting's recurring role: On race, casting and the story behind David Henry Hwang's Yellow Face.
Chang-rae Lee: By the Book: The New York Times talks to Chang-rae Lee, author of On Such a Full Sea, who has been re-reading the classics he tackled in college -- "big, complex works which I found arresting and difficult then and find arresting and difficult now."
One Question with Mink Choi: Mink Choi, Thought Catalog's Book Producer, talks about experimental fiction, Asian American literature. and the writing that has changed the way she thinks about her own work.