Why Did 'Doctor Strange' and 'Ghost in the Shell' Whitewash Their Asian Characters? This week, two images from Doctor Strange and Ghost in the Shell are even more examples of Hollywood's whitewashing. Graeme McMillan and Rebecca Sun discuss the controversy around these films.
Chinese Americans Want NYPD Officer Peter Liang Held Accountable, Too: The historical racism directed at Chinese people is deeply felt, but the conviction of former NYPD officer Peter Liang was never an appropriate example of systemic racism.
Opinion: Akai Gurley's family deserves justice: "I know what it feels like to be denied justice by our country’s so-called justice system. Twenty-one years ago, my younger brother, Yong Xin Huang, was killed by an NYPD officer and my family never got justice. Our family's story and grief are not so different than that of Akai Gurley's family."
Charlotte Hornets' Jeremy Lin is a mystery to everyone but himself: Charlotte Hornets' guard Jeremy Lin discusses showing his personality and keeping some privacy on social media.
Open Season on Jeremy Lin? In Video, Fan Highlights Hard Fouls: That fan-made video calling attention to the excessive number of hard fouls Jeremy Lin gets hit with on the court -- without ever drawing a flagrant foul -- has been viewed over a million times and even prompted an official response from the NBA (though it's probably not the responses you wanted to hear).
Meet The Art Collective Of 'Sad Asian Girls' Destroying Asian-American Stereotypes: Awesome. Olivia Park and Esther Fan formed a collective of Asian American girls aiming to break the culture of passiveness and silence through discussions of racism and feminism, providing more representation for Asian girls of all types and backgrounds around the world.
'What happened in World War II is happening again': Immigrant detention centers through the eyes of a therapist: Satsuki Ina visited a detention center in Texas, where she scrutinized families for signs of trauma she recognized as both a former detainee and a family psychotherapist.
On Fairness, Meritocracy, and Forgiveness in Higher Education: A conversation with Sumi Pendakur, Associate Dean for Institutional Diversity at Harvey Mudd College, where she works with students, faculty and administrators to ensure a campus-wide understanding of why it's necessary to create an inclusive environment.
The Not-Quite-American Feeling of Being a 1.5 Generation Immigrant: "I was too Americanized for the Taiwanese Student Association, yet too fobby for the Taiwanese American Student Association." Chin Lu on the experience of being "in-between" cultures as a 1.5 generation immigrant.
Asian-Americans confront hepatitis B, the 'silent killer': A new documentary, Be About It, aims to break the silence about hepatitis B, a disease that disproportionately impacts Asian Americans.
The 50 Most Influential Asian Characters on TV (Pre-FRESH OFF THE BOAT edition): YOMYOMF has put together a pretty solid, comprehensive list ranking the fifty most influential Asian characters on television -- yes, there have been that many -- prior to the landmark February 2015 premiere of Fresh Off The Boat.
Conan O'Brien accidentally exposed the culture gap between Koreans and Korean-Americans: Conan O'Brien's recent special episode in South Korea is a snapshot of how three distinct cultural groups now view each other: Americans, Koreans, and Korean Americans.
A False Accounting: A fiction story from Tan Lin, author of Heath Course Pak and Insomnia.
Why Being an Asian American Rapper Is So Hard: The documentary Bad Rap, which explores the complicated history of Asian Americans in hip hop, premiered this weekend at the Tribeca Film Festival.
Sandra Oh trades 'Grey's Anatomy' for a new play inspired by 2007 Virginia Tech shooting: Sandra Oh left Grey's Anatomy to pursue theater. She currently stars in Julia Cho's Office Hour, a play about the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, at South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa.