If you're in New York City, the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center invites you Ctrl+Alt: A Culture Lab on Imagined Futures, featuring the work of 40+ artists and scholars exploring themes of imagined future, science fiction and future technology. It's happening November 12-13 at 477 Broadway in SOHO/Chinatown.
Here's a nifty trailer:
And here are some more details:
The Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center presents:
Saturday & Sunday November 12-13, 2016
477 Broadway NYC (former site of the Pearl River Mart)
Free & open to all
Adam Labuen
adrienne maree brown
Andrew Rebatta
Alexandra Chang
Betsy Huang
Chad Shomura
Charles Jean-Pierre
Chinatown Art Brigade
Che Jen
Chris Mah
Christian A. Mendoza
Christine Sun Kim
DJ Rekha
Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez
Evan Keeling
Genevieve Erin O'Brien
Jaret Vadera
John "Prime" Hina
Keanu Sai
Lisa Park
Matt Huynh
MET Media Lab
Ming Fay
Museum of Impact
Naiʻa Lewis
Nia Keturah
No Kings Collective
Paul D. Miller
Samson Young
Saya Woolfalk
Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay
Sheldon Scott
Secret Identities
Solomon Enos
Taeyoon Choi
Thomas Mader
Wiena Lin
Yumi Sakugawa
Ctrl+Alt is free and open to the public. For further information, go here.