What's up, internet? Let us close out the year with one more Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Alissa Ko.
Who are you?
My name is Alissa Li-Tsu Ko.
What are you?
I am a White House staffer, daughter, fiancé, friend, advocate and fighter. Not necessarily in that order. I love surrounding myself with family, friends and food. I am a constant student, always trying to learn from people and about people.
Where are you?
I am in my apartment in Washington, D.C.
Where are you from?
I am from California. I grew up in Southern California but spent a lot of time in Sacramento. I also lived in Coos Bays, Oregon; Chicago, IL; Richmond, VA; and Washington, D.C.
What do you do?
My title at the White House is Senior Associate Director in the White House Office of Public Engagement. I interact, conduct outreach, and advocate for the Asian American and Pacific Islander community at the White House. I am also the main liaison for state attorneys general and state legislators.
It's been truly an honor and privilege to serve this President, work with amazing people, and highlight important issues in our community. Recently, we hosted an event at the White House to talk about the rise in hate crimes and bullying in our country. We had Japanese World War II Veterans and incarcerated Japanese Americans, along with Muslims, Arabs, Sikhs, and South Asians come to the White House, share their experiences, and reflect on what happens when hate influences our policies.
What are you all about?
I am about making a piece of our world and country a better place through getting people excited about civic engagement, empowering people, and working with and within government.
What makes you angry?
I think what makes me the most angry is injustice and ignorance.