Being Sikh in Trump's America: 'You have to go out of your way to prove you're not a threat': Sikh community leaders say they've seen another uptick since the 2016 presidential election and the Trump administration's proposed immigration and travel bans. Those proposals, they argue, are fueling an intensified xenophobia.
Why People Still Laugh at Asian Accents: An Investigation: It's one of those cheap shots that racists take to make fun of Asians. So why is putting on an Asian accent so funny?
A Parting Letter to My MFA Program: "What does it mean for me to learn how to make art in an environment that unquestioningly perpetuates and reinforces systems of dominance?" When Claire Zhuang withdrew from her MFA program, she read a letter outlining the failings of the program to the faculty.
Mother Tongue: "Language is not only a means of communication or description. It’s a framework in which we process existence." For a bilingual new mother, parenting becomes an experiment in identity -- both her child's and her own.
I Am An Immigrant: Survival to Sacrifice: Sevly Snguon's retells the sacrifices his mother made for him, from summoning the will to survive in one of the largest refugee camps in Cambodia to sacrificing her ambitions once she arrived in the United States.
We're Having the Wrong Conversation About Food and Cultural Appropriation: Why the conversation about cultural appropriation needs to focus less on authenticity and more on the racial, ethnic, and cultural capitalist power structure in America.
My Hindu American Childhood: A Comic: Artist and comedian Soumya Dhulekar chronicles the ups and downs of her Hindu American childhood, ages 5-18, in illustrated form.
How I Went From Being An Apolitical to A Little More Political Asian: Lisa Lim's illustrated reflection of growing up apolitical, and recent events that encouraged her to become just a little more political.
How Vanita Gupta became the DOJ's unsung hero at the height of the Black Lives Matter movement: Vanita Gupta was the head of the civil rights division at the Department of Justice for two years, ending with the inauguration of Trump. Now, she's focusing her attention on investigating high-profile police shooting cases across the country.
U.S. chess champion is now ranked No. 2 in the world. Opponents fear he's still getting better.: Wesley So won the U.S. chess championship in April and is now ranked number 2 in the world.
St. Paul Hmong-American gymnast leaps toward her Olympic dream -- and history: Meet Minnesota's Sunisa Lee, who earlier this year, was named to the junior national gymnastics team.
Why Hollywood Bet On "The Joy Luck Club": After 24 years, The Joy Luck Club remains the only Hollywood film to feature a majority Asian-American cast -- a feat most studios are still afraid to attempt today. Now, those behind the 1993 tearjerker tell BuzzFeed News how they pulled off the movie no one thought possible.
Aziz Ansari is Still Searching: A hit Netflix show. A best-selling (and scholarly!) book. A powerful SNL monologue. Can you blame Aziz Ansari for wanting to hide?
EXCLUSIVE: Broadway Star Telly Leung Transforms Into Aladdin: Telly Leung is a rare nonwhite lead stepping into the title role in Disney's Aladdin on Broadway this month.