Happy Valentine's Day, however you observe it. Today, by complete coincidence, happens to mark the 15th anniversary of Angry Asian Man. Fifteen years ago on this date, I tapped out some rudimentary HTML code and uploaded the very first iteration of this website on to the world wide web. I barely knew what I was doing, and sure as hell didn't think anybody was going to read it. I had no idea where this thing would take me.
But here we are, fifteen years later. So some thanks are definitely in order.
First, above all, big thanks to you, the readers. Like I've said many times over, I never expected anyone outside my immediate circle to read this blog. Hell, at the time, I didn't even know what I had created was called "a blog." But somehow, over the years, this blog has found a devoted following. So thank you to everyone who has bookmarked the blog, clicked on a Facebook link, submitted a tip, or just floated an encouraging word.
Thank you to all the supporters and friends of this blog, scattered all over the expanse of the internet, near and far. The best damn thing about running Angry Asian Man, hands down, are all the incredible people that I've been able to meet and work with, and the wonderful relationships that have been forged because of it.
Thank you to my family, for your vast patience and unconditional support.
Thank you to everyone who has lent a hand and supported this website with a donation either as a one-time donor or as an ongoing monthly subscriber. Asking you, dear readers, for funds was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do, but your amazing generosity emboldens and empowers my work every single day.
(By the way, coming soon: The 2016 Angry Asian Subscriber Drive. Stay tuned.)
How did I get here? It's a question I've been asking myself a lot lately. The simple answer is that I just started writing, hit publish, repeated, and simply never stopped. The better answer is community. As I look back at this unexpected journey and take stock of progress, it's clear that it all happened because we struggled and celebrated together. We built this together. So thank you to true community. All day every day.
Oh, and thank you to the haters. You fuel this fire. Actually, no thank you. Like I've got time for that.
Fifteen years. I keep thinking I did the math wrong. But somehow, it checks out. It hasn't all been easy. But it's been a hell of a journey, and I wouldn't take back any of it. I will do my best to keep things going around here into the next year, and the next, and beyond. I hope you'll stick around, and we can keep doing this together.
Stay Angry.
- Phil