Hello, my friends! You know what time it is. It's time to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Lisa Ling.
Who are you?
I'm a joker
I'm a smoker
I'm a midnight toker
I get my lovin' on the run
Wooo Wooooo
Also, I'm a mother, wife, journalist and humanist.
What are you?
I am Chinese/Taiwanese American.
Where are you?
I am presently inside my office in my home in Los Angeles. Utilizing a breast pump while my two kids are sleeping in their bedrooms. Really exciting, I know.
Where are you from?
I am from a suburb of Sacramento, California called Carmichael.
What do you do?
I tell stories about people you may have heard about, you may even have an opinion about them, but you don't really know them.
What are you all about?
I am all about trying to get us to understand each other better. The more we know about each other, the better informed we are and the better we are period.
What makes you angry?
The thing that makes me angriest is injustice.