Hello, good readers, supporters and friends of this website. Where does the time go? Today marks the 16th anniversary of Angry Asian Man. Believe it or not, sixteen years ago on this day, I flipped the switch and uploaded the very first iteration of this blog. It wasn't much to look at it, and I had no idea where would take me, but it set me on a personal and professional path that changed my life. And I am grateful.
So, on today of all days, I thank you for your continued support over the last sixteen years. Thank you to regular visitors who read and share this content every day. You're the best, and you're the reason why this thing is still going strong. Thank you to the immediate and extended community that has coalesced around this project over a decade and a half. You're the best damn thing about running this endeavor. And no thank you to the haters, who have been around since day one. But keep it coming -- I'm not going anywhere.
One last thing: I'd be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to remind folks about the 2017 Stay Angry Subscriber Drive. If you're a fan, friend, and/or believer of this blog, this is great way to support our ongoing operations, and get a super-cool, exclusive limited edition t-shirt too. Learn more here.
Thanks. And as always, Stay Angry.