
This Week's Angriest Posts

Not necessarily the angriest, just the most viewed.

1. The guys who dressed up as bloody Asiana flight attendants

2. Kolten Wong picked off first base for final out of Game 4

3. "We Love You Long Time" Billboard in Portland's Chinatown

4. Your Halloween Costumes, Part One

5. Asians in the new X-Men movie trailer!

6. A costume tribute to the "most famous flip phone of all time"

7. Meet the Asian Jon Snow from Game of Thrones

8. Sriracha is too spicy for the city of Irwindale

9. Your Halloween Costumes, Part Two

10. Instant yellowface! Now available in a convenient tube.

It's been a hell of a week. Thanks to all the supporters of this blog -- you keep it going!

If you haven't already, please check out the Awesome Asian Bad Guys teaser trailer.

And if you happen to be in the Bay Area, I'll be speaking with the good folks at UC Berkeley on Monday night, 6:00pm in VlSB 2060. Hope to see you there. Stay Angry.

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