Wearing Asian American Culture On Our (Short-) Sleeves: 20 years ago, Ryan Suda started a Hawaiian-inspired surfwear company called Blacklava. Then he took an Asian American Studies class, and was inspired to make t-shirts with a message. Happy 20th anniversary, Ryan.
I'm An Asian Woman And I Think Blog Posts Defining That Identity By Who Someone Like Me Would Or Wouldn't Date Are Bullshit: "The idea that you have to be racist to throw off sexual oppression or sexist to throw off racial oppression -- but that you can't fight both at the same time -- is a very old and very stupid one propagated by -- you guessed it! -- racists and sexists."
Why the RadioLab interview went wrong: The public radio podcast show RadioLab is getting significant pushback for its awful, insensitive mishandling of an interview with Hmong veteran Eng Yang.
A Mockumentary Nets Real Players: Grace Lee's new film Janeane From Des Moines, which stars Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum -- unbeknownst to them -- sounds like an incredible, provocative feat of filmmaking.
Japanese gardener one of the last of a disappearing breed: Tadashi Hamada has been a gardener for 50 years and has seen things change. The younger generations have moved into other fields, but that too is the natural order, he feels.