'Spa Night' wins the John Cassavetes Award at the Independent Spirit Awards.
Forget the Academy Awards. The best acceptance speech of the weekend happened at the 32nd Independent Spirit Awards, courtesy of writer/director Andrew Ahn. His acclaimed coming-of-age drama Spa Night won the John Cassavetes Award, which is presented to a film budgeted at less than $500,000.
Stepping up to the mic, Andrew nervously admitted, "I'm gonna barf," then offered some heartfelt thanks for honoring his film about a Korean American immigrant family and queer Korean American people. He also stressed the importance of telling stories by underrepresented voices.
"Now, more than ever, it's important that we support stories told by and about communities that are marginalized; that we tell stories about immigrants, Muslims, women, people of color, trans and queer folk," Andrew said. "Film is such a power tool in humanizing these communities so that we can't be pushed aside and labeled as "other." We are a part of this great country and we are undeniable."
Host Jimmy Kimmel is apparently uncomfortable with names like "Yulree" and "Mahershala."
In keeping with tradition, I guess it wouldn't be the Oscars without a racist moment from the host.
While everybody's understandably obsessed with that wild Best Picture mistake that capped the 89th Academy Awards, I'd like to point your attention to another moment in the middle of Sunday night's show, that perfectly illustrated why host Jimmy Kimmel is still kind of an ass when it comes to joking about people of color.
During one bit, the late night personality welcomed a group of unsuspecting tourists who found themselves smack into the middle of Oscar proceedings. Imagine being on one of those sightseeing bus tours, thinking you're going to see some dusty Oscar exhibit, then being led to the front row of Hollywood's biggest night.
It was a silly, fun moment that was, or course, marred by Kimmel's casual racism.
A Deafening Silence: Two Indian nationals were shot by a man yelling racial epithets. The president said nothing. That's all we need to know about who matters in Trump's America.
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On Borders and Citizens: "My US citizenship is a kind of bulwark. It is not a guarantee of protection." Teow Lim Goh on her path to citizenship, Trump's Muslim ban, and past events in history that show that having papers doesn't guarantee protection.
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I Was a Muslim in Trump's White House: When President Obama left, Rumana Ahmed stayed on at the National Security Council in order to serve my country... and lasted eight days.
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Are Race-Based Advisory Groups Just Political Symbols? Recently, three fourths of the White House AAPI presidential commissioners stepped down from their posts in protest of Trump's racist immigration policy. What can be gained from race-based advisory groups, and what are the limitations?
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Asian Last Names Lead To Fewer Job Interviews, Still: When it comes to job applications, not all names are treated equally. According to a new study, applicants with Asian names were 28 percent less likely to get called for an interview compared to applicants with Anglo names, even when all the qualifications were the same.
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The Shadow Side to Being an Asian American Over-Achiever: Psychotherapist Nicole Hsiang attempts shed light on the prevalence of suicide and depression among Asian American "over-acheivers," with the hopes of starting needed conversations about mental health in our communities.
"Ultimately, who I am does not matter -- it is what I do that matters."
Hey, everybody! You know what time it is. It's time to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Tung Nguyen.
Witnesses say Adam Purinton yelled "Get out of my country" before shooting two Indian men.
32-year-old Srinivas Kuchibhotla was fatally shot at Austins Bar & Grill.
In case you forgot, this is the America where two guys in a bar can get shot just for being brown.
In Kansas, a man has been charged with murder after he approached two men he believed to be "Middle Eastern" at a bar, shouted racial slurs at them and told them to "get out of my country" before he shot them.
51-year-old Adam W. Purinton is charged with first-degree murder in the fatal shooting of 32-year-old Srinivas Kuchibhotla at Austins Bar & Grill in Olathe on Wednesday night. Witnesses say they heard Purinton yell "get out of my country" before shooting Kuchibhotla and 32-year-old Alok Madasani -- both originally from India. Another bar patron, 24-year-old Ian Grillot, was shot when he tried to intervene.
Bay Area film fans! This one's for you. The Center for Asian American Media presents CAAMFest 2017, the nation's premiere event showcasing and celebrating bold and vibrant Asian American stories and storytellers. The 11-day festival, celebrating its 35th year, runs March 9-19 in San Francisco and Oakland.
The festival kicks off on Thursday, March 9 with the Opening Night Gala screening of Lena Khan's comedy The Tiger Hunter, starring Danny Pudi as an ambitious young man who leaves his small Indian village in pursuit of the American dream. Anybody want to go? I'm giving away some free tickets. Scroll down for details.
Jonah Hwang was sitting down for dinner when he was fatally shot.
In Southern California, homicide detectives are asking for the public's help searching for the assailant who opened fire on a home in Pomona, shooting and killing an 8-year-old boy before driving away.
Jonah Min Hwang and his family were visiting the home on Monday evening when he was fatally struck by gunfire during an apparent drive-by shooting, according to the Pomona Police Department.
They were sitting down to dinner, around 6:36pm, when someone pulled up in a car and fired approximately five shots into the residence. One of the bullets hit Jonah in the head. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.
But the San Antonio Express-News led many to believe a Chinese eatery was serving up something gross.
Over the weekend, the San Antonio Express-News posted a bland weekly roundup on local restaurant inspections. One of them included an area Chinese restaurant, Lee's Garden Chinese Restaurant, where an inspector saw a dog on the premises. Like, somebody's pet. Perhaps not particularly sanitary, depending on where the dog was hanging out, but whatever. It got the necessary citation.
However, when the restaurant inspection report was posted to the San Antonio Express-News' Facebook page on Saturday, they used the headline "Inspectors Find Dogs in Chinese Restaurant" accompanied by a photo of food. The insinuation, of course, is that the Chinese restaurant was caught serving dog meat.
When you click through to the article, the actual headline on mysanantonio.com simply reads "San Antonio restaurant inspections: February 17, 2017." The report notes that "roaches and dogs were seen in the establishment." And that's it. (Okay, the roaches are gross.) That was apparently all they needed to put together a racist, misleading Facebook post. Guaranteed to get some clicks.
Of course, nobody actually reads anything. The misleading headline inspired a deluge of Facebook comments along the lines of "Ooh hell no I just had Chinese last night... Mfs trynna kill us" and "Fuck Chinese lol."
Jonathan Cromwell is charged with second-degree murder in the fatal shooting of Jiangsheng Chen.
In Virginia, a security guard has been charged with murder in the death of a 60-year-old grandfather who was fatally shot last month while he was in his van apparently playing Pokemon Go.
On Thursday, the Chesapeake Commonwealth's Attorney's Office announced that it is pursuing criminal charges against 21-year-old Jonathan Cromwell, the security guard who fatally shot Jiansheng Chen on January 26. Cromwell is charged with second-degree murder and use of a firearm.
According to prosecutors, Chen was driving his van around 11:00pm that night when he turned into the driveway of the River Walk clubhouse parking area. When Cromwell saw the van, he confronted Chen and stopped his vehicle directly in front of Chen's van. Chen then backed up and turned around to the entrance of the driveway facing the street. That's when Cromwell got out of his car, said "stop," then fired his weapon.
First-Ever Tracker Of Hate Crimes Against Asian-Americans Launched: After years of declining numbers, hate crimes against Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders are rising exponentially. Asian Americans Advancing Justice recently launched standagainsthatred.org, a website to document hate incidents and crimes against AAPIs by tracking stories about hate incidents received from people around the country.
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When Lies Overruled Rights: "When President Trump signed an executive order temporarily banning travel from seven majority Muslim countries, he hurled us back to one of the darkest and most shameful chapters of American history. Executive orders that go after specific groups under the guise of protecting the American people are not only unconstitutional, but morally wrong. My father, and so many other Americans of Japanese descent, were targets of just such an order during World War II."
Our Laws Period-Shame Women -- So I'm Going to Change Them: "Most Americans -- across all income levels -- believe that feminine hygiene products are basic necessities. So why is it still so hard to afford and access them?" Why Congresswoman Grace Meng is fighting for the Menstrual Equity Bill, which would make tampons more accessible.
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Jeremy Lin is still a symbol for whatever we want him to be: Five years after infusing Madison Square Garden with excitement, it's easy to feel like Jeremy Lin has become more symbol than NBA player, or even person -- everything you want him to be and nothing at all.
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Will The Great Wall Make Me Mad?: Wondering if Matt Damon starring as a white savior in The Great Wall make you mad? E. Alex Jung's got your back. Hint: Maybe, but also call your senators.
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Attention, Hollywood: It's time to give these 11 Asian stars their due: "With many noting the lack of Asian standouts among this year's nominees (Dev Patel was the sole Asian honored in an acting category), USA TODAY takes a look at a host of talents who deserve to be embraced by Hollywood's star-making machine."
By PIVOT, The Progressive Vietnamese American Organization
PIVOT member, Thu Quach, looks daily at a photograph by Ansel Adams, taken in 1943 at the internment camp in Manzanar. The two children highlighted here are her father-in-law and his sister. (Illustration by Thi Bui)
Today, February 19th is your Day of Remembrance, a day that marks the injustice authorized by Executive Order 9066 when 120,000 Japanese Americans were forced to forfeit their homes and belongings, and to live behind barbed wires in internment camps. This day, each year, reminds us of what happens when we, as a nation, let go of our conscience and act out of fear.
For Vietnamese Americans, we have our remembrance day too. April 30, 1975 is the day when Saigon fell and the Viet Nam War ended. Similar to yours, it marks a moment of massive displacement for many of us who left Viet Nam as refugees to eventually resettle in the U.S. and other countries.
In our collective memory, such painful events have often been narrated through tragic and powerful images. For us, it is the images of frightened people climbing walls to escape and of mass exodus from the country. For you, it is the images of huddled masses forced at gunpoint to evacuate their homes and children behind barbed wire. Decades later, to an often disconnected society, these images, shown once a year, may elicit a shameful shake of the head, disbelief, and a sentiment of “how could we have let this happen?” And yet, today, as we face dangerous times under this regime, these casual, commemorative sentiments are simply not enough.
Instead, let us be the kind of Americans who are bonded together not just by our history of displacement, but also, by our shared moral obligation to speak out in the face of injustice, wherever it is found—bans based on religion, the threat of a Muslim registry, and unnecessary wars abroad. For war, as we remember well, both creates and exacerbates the conditions of being a refugee. Let us, together with others who will never forget days such as these, be the voice of conscience. After all, silent sympathy and compassion during those times have led to these painful days of remembrance. Let us stand in solidarity with one another, so that there will not be another day of remembrance like ours. Let us not just shed tears when we see images of the Syrian child lying dead on the beach. For these images are only powerful when they can elicit acts of resistance against the perpetrators.
On your Day of Remembrance, we pledge to stand with you to be the voice of conscience for this nation, and to remind everyone of our shared humanity.
Boys Behind Barbed Wire (Norito Takamoto, Albert Masaichi, and Hisashi Sansui), 1944, Manzanar concentration camp (Photo Credit: Toyo Miyatake)
As we approach February 19th, the 75th anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066, now referred to as the Day of Remembrance, you'll see a lot of media talking about the Incarceration of Japanese Americans. However, you'll notice that sometimes the terminology isn't consistent. Why do some people say "internment" or "relocation", while others say "incarceration" and "forced removal"?
Here are some of the most common points of confusion, and explanations of why many in the Japanese American community use and avoid specific terminology when talking about our history.
NBA star sports a gravity-defying 'do for a "secret project."
Outside of his performance on the court, the number one topic of discussion regarding Jeremy Lin in recent years has to be what the hell is going on with his hair. We ask it again.
The Brooklyn Nets star recently posted a photo of himself and his latest 'do on Instagram, attributing it to a "secret project" and likening the gravity-defying hairstyle to the animated character Jimmy Neutron.
"I sing, write, produce and teach. I cook a mean Beejee Chigae and Ackee & Saltfish."
Greetings, internet friends. It is time, once again, to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Ann Chung.
'Fresh Off The Boat' star will play the lead in Jon M. Chu's adaptation of the best-selling novel.
Hell yes. This is some casting news we've been waiting for. At long last, Crazy Rich Asians has found its lead. Constance Wu will star as Rachel Chu in Warner Bros.' adaptation of Kevin Kwan's best-selling novel.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Fresh Off The Boat star is in negotiations to play the movie's Chinese American lead. Directed by Jon M. Chu, from a screenplay by Peter Chiarelli and Adele Lim, the film will start shooting in Singapore this spring with an all-Asian cast.
Ten members of the President's Advisory Commission on AAPIs submit their resignation to Donald Trump.
Respect to those who take a stand. Official. On Wednesday, ten members of the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders submitted their resignation to Donald Trump, taking a stand against his policies that have adversely affected Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
In their letter addressed to Trump, the ten members stated that although their terms officially end in September, they could no longer serve a President "whose policies aim to create outcomes that are diametrically opposite to our principles, goals, and charge." The letter outlines several of the Trump administration's actions that have had "deleterious consequences for AAPIs and for all Americans."
Producers assure fans that the film will be "culturally authentic."
The Mulan remake has found its director. Niki Caro, who broke through with the 2002 Maori family drama Whale Rider, will helm Disney's live-action retelling of the legendary Chinese female warrior.
The studio was originally looking for an Asian director for the project, meeting with Ang, who passed due to scheduling issues, and Chinese director Jiang Wen (who is probably best known right now for playing Baze Malbus in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story).
According to folklore, Hua Mulan was a woman warrior who disguised herself as a man and took her aging father's place to fight on behalf of her family in the army, defending China from invaders. Disney released a hit animated version of the story in 1998. The remake is said to be a blend of the legend and the animated film.
Vogue photo shoot features Karlie Kloss doing stereotypical geisha shit.
For real, Vogue? A photo shoot featuring a white model as a geisha? In the so-called "diversity" issue, no less.
The much-hyped March issue of Vogue features supermodel Karlie Kloss in a Japanese-themed spread, titled "Spirited Away." Okay, can we just stop right there? Red flags, so many red flags going up everywhere. Let's be real: there was no fucking way that Vogue was going to handle this right.
The spread, photographed in Japan by Mikael Jansson and styled by Phyllis Posnick, features Kloss in what is pretty much yellowface, going full geisha in various photos shot around Japan's Ise-Shima National Park. They've got Kloss in thick black hair, pale skin and kimono-like attire, posed in various Japanese-y backgrounds. There's even a friggin' sumo wrestler for bonus stereotypical Japanese-ness.
Hello, good readers, supporters and friends of this website. Where does the time go? Today marks the 16th anniversary of Angry Asian Man. Believe it or not, sixteen years ago on this day, I flipped the switch and uploaded the very first iteration of this blog. It wasn't much to look at it, and I had no idea where would take me, but it set me on a personal and professional path that changed my life. And I am grateful.
So, on today of all days, I thank you for your continued support over the last sixteen years. Thank you to regular visitors who read and share this content every day. You're the best, and you're the reason why this thing is still going strong. Thank you to the immediate and extended community that has coalesced around this project over a decade and a half. You're the best damn thing about running this endeavor. And no thank you to the haters, who have been around since day one. But keep it coming -- I'm not going anywhere.
One last thing: I'd be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to remind folks about the 2017 Stay Angry Subscriber Drive. If you're a fan, friend, and/or believer of this blog, this is great way to support our ongoing operations, and get a super-cool, exclusive limited edition t-shirt too. Learn more here.
Vandals spray-painted "CHINKS" on the garage door.
There's nothing quite like someone asshole spray-painting "CHINKS" in giant letters across the front of your house to make you feel welcome in the neighborhood. Over the weekend in Minnesota, a Hmong family's home was targeted by vandals who defaced their garage door and car with hate graffiti.
The incident occurred early Sunday morning at a home in Oakdale, a Twin Cities suburb. The vandals spray-painted the racial slur on the garage door, and "Lick my bulls" [sic] across the side of a car. Really?
TL Xiong, who lives at the home with this parents, posted photos of the vandalism on Facebook. He noted that his family moved in to the house only two months ago and warned the vandals that "karma will get you."
Oops. Totally different celebrity of Southeast Asian descent.
Welcome to another edition of All Asians Don't Look Alike, a concept that people apparently need slapped upside the head with on a regular basis, much to our annoyance. So check this.
The awesome Jeannie Mai is a co-host on The Real, which was nominated for Best Talk Show over the weekend at the NAACP Image Awards. So Jeannie and her colleagues attended the awards, and of course, walked the red carpet. TV One's Twitter account posted a photo of Jeannie and her co-hosts Adrienne Bailon, Loni Love and Tamera Mowry... but mistakenly labeled Jeannie as Brenda Song.
What it's like when people start calling you the 'next Jeremy Lin': 17-year-old junior point guard Benson Lin's name and game carry inevitable comparisons to a certain NBA star. It also brings up one inescapable question that has been asked of players before and will likely be asked again: Is he the next Jeremy Lin?
Rarely Seen Photos of Japanese Internment: Iconic American photographer Dorothea Lange's photographs documenting Japanese Internment were commissioned by the federal government -- then suppressed for the duration of the war.
Tze Chun: An interview excerpt with Tze Chun, founder of online contemporary art gallery Uprise Art.
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Screen Test: Leonardo Nam: The Westworld "butcher" on his multicultural background, his co-star Thandie Newton, and a career-launching turkey sandwich.
Friday, February 17 at UCB Sunset's Inner Sanctum Cafe
Los Angeles! Want to see some Asian Americans being funny? Again, you must respect the next-level trolling that goes into calling your comedy show Scarlett Johnasson Presents: Opening Night of The Great Wall. In which Matt Damon saves us all. The evening will include standup by Asif Ali, character monologue by Susan Song, musical performance by Danice Maxine, improv by the UCB Mess Hall Superteam and Voltron: The UCB Superteam. It's happening Friday, February 17 at UCB's Inner Sanctum Cafe. And it's free!
Orphaned infants incarcerated at the Manzanar Children’s Village. Many children, some with as little as 1/8th Japanese ancestry, were ripped from orphanages and foster homes for incarceration. (1943, Manzanar concentration camp, California.)
An associate professor at Columbia Basin, a publicly-funded community college, is teaching his students that the Incarceration of Japanese Americans was not racist.
On January 29, the Tri-City Herald published this opinion piece insisting that the Incarceration was not based on racism, but rather on national security concerns. The writing is filled with numerous errors, and paints the Japanese American population as a major threat to national security during World War II. I responded accordingly with my piece, Yes, actually, the "Relocation" of Japanese Americans was racist.
I also contacted the paper, which defended publishing the op-ed despite its flagrant errors and distortions. I discovered that the author of the op-ed, Gary Bullert, teaches political science at CBC. Next, I contacted the school, and they informed me that although the school's president denounced Bullert's deceptive portrayal of the Incarceration, no disciplinary action could be taken since Bullert was acting as a private citizen.
Then I received a message from one of his students.
"I am the sum of everything that came before me. Seldom I am some of these, but mostly I am all of them."
Hey, everybody! It is time again to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Steve Wong.
"I know I've made it when [my book has] made it to Costco."
On Thursday, author Viet Thanh Nguyen was a guest on Late Night with Seth Meyers to talk about his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Sympathizer and his latest collection of stories The Refugees.
Nguyen shared about his childhood memories of being a refugee from Vietnam, breaking it to his parents that he was an English major, and how you know you've made it: when they're selling your book at Costco. He also dropped some truth about the important, vital narrative that immigrants and refugees bring to America.
About 50 flyers with hate messages were posted all over the property.
In Colorado, federal authorities are searching for suspects who vandalized the home of an Indian American family with eggs, toilet paper, dog feces and flyers with hate messages and racial slurs.
On Sunday morning, a couple in Peyton discovered that vandals had targeted their home, throwing dozens of eggs, smearing dog feces across their garage, and posting about fifty flyers with hate messages all over their property. The FBI is investigating the incident as a hate crime.
Coon Rapids Police mistook 81-year-old Choua Xiong for a burglar.
In Minnesota, community members are demanding answers and accountability from the Coon Rapids Police Department after an elderly Hmong woman was attacked and bitten by a police K-9 in her own backyard.
81-year-old Choua Xiong was doing some work in her backyard shed early Sunday morning when officers, responding to a burglary call, unleashed a police dog on her. Note: she was in her own shed, in her own backyard. Xiong suffered bites to her arm and was hospitalized.
Police say officers received a 911 call from a woman who said she saw an intruder in a black coat in her backyard, and heard a loud noise coming from somewhere in the back of her residence. Officer arrived on the scene and spotted someone in a shed next door with a flashlight.
Suspecting a burglary was underway, they yelled to the shed and ordered the "suspect" to come out, but got no response. So they unleashed to police dog to take down whoever was inside.
The "suspect" turned out to be Xiong. She apparently does not speak English, is hard of hearing, and didn't understand the officer's commands. Congratulations, officers. You and your friggin' attack dog just busted an 81-year-old grandma "intruding" on her own property.
'Baby Cobra' comedian's collection of essays will hit shelves next year.
Helllllll yeah. Ali Wong is writing a book! The American Housewife actress and Fresh Off The Boat writer, whose hilarious Netflix standup special Baby Cobra inspired a legion of kickass Halloween costumes, is adding "author" to her resume with her first book due out next year from Random House.
The book will be a collection of letters from Ali to her one-year-old daughter, offering advice and sharing her own personal experiences. It will also be, no doubt, pretty darn funny.
"Each letter will share advice and personal experiences on such things as finding Mr. Right, leaning in versus lying down, and her journey in stand-up comedy," the publisher said in a statement to Entertainment Weekly.
Hey, look! Another Asian American family on television! Andi Mack, the upcoming new Disney Channel series from the creator of Lizzie MacGuire, stars Peyton Elizabeth Lee and Lilan Bowden as sisters.
The single-camera coming-of-age series centers around Andi (Lee) as she's about to celebrate her 13th birthday. However, when her capricious older sister Bex (Bowden) returns home with the hope of getting her life together, Andi's life is turned upside down and she is left questioning everything she's ever known.
Here's the first super-brief teaser trailer promo thing for Andi Mack:
What is it with racist vandals who can't leave a clean surface alone? Congratulations, asshole. It's like you took a public shit with a Sharpie pen. This particular idiotic little act of handwritten hate was spotted over the weekend at Chinese Garden Park in Oakland's Chinatown. As you can see, someone scrawled the words "CHINAMAN" "CANTON" "INDIANS" "BITCH" and "CHINK" on the park sign. I guess the author is suggesting "Chinaman" as a replacement for "Chinese." And the rest are... alternatives? In order of preference?
Park's car was found abandoned in Malibu with keys, phone inside.
In Southern California, authorities are asking for the public's help in searching for a 20-year-old Glendale woman who has been missing for over a week, with her car found abandoned in Malibu.
Elaine Park was last seen in the early morning hours of January 28 after a date with her boyfriend. She had been considered to be voluntarily missing until deputies found her car on February 2, parked along Pacific Coast Highway with the her key, cellphone and other personal belongings inside.
There's A Long, Ignominious Trail Of Bans, Registries And Forced Relocation: President Trump's executive order limiting immigration from majority-Muslim countries, which ignited protests across the country last weekend, joins a list of controversial presidential decrees through the years that have been aimed at foreign or domestic racial and ethnic groups.
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My Grandfather, the Refugee: Camille Nguyen calls other Vietnamese Americans to action against the recent executive order that bars refugees entrance into the United States.
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To my Vietnamese elders who support the immigration ban: Another call to action addressed to the Vietnamese American community: "Do not forget to recognize your own journey and how similar it is to many others in this world. Do not forget that these policies do affect you, your neighborhood, your community, your work."
Why Trump is making Muslims the new Chinese: Before Trump's attempts to legislate racial discrimination, there was the Chinese Exclusion Act, which lasted from 1882 to 1943.
Viet Thanh Nguyen: By the Book: In this interview, The Refugees author Viet Thanh Nguyen calls Star Wars relevant to our age, "where most people identify with rebels but so many in fact are complicit with the Empire."
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Q&A: Hasan Minhaj on Keeping It Together in Trump's America: Now that the so-called "Muslim ban" promised during the election season has become reality for many in Middle Eastern and African countries, Daily Show correspondent Hasan Minhaj talks about what it feels like to be an American Muslim, and how he's taking action.
"I'm all for getting stories told, especially for the people who never get to be in the spotlight."
Hello, internet friends. It is time, once again, to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Catzie Vilayphonh.
Police say the attack is not being investigated as a hate crime.
In Los Angeles, an 83-year-old woman was assaulted on the street in Koreatown on Wednesday afternoon. The attack, which became the subject of a viral social media post, is reportedly not being investigated as a hate crime, despite initial claims that the assailant had yelled "white power" before running off.
27-year-old Alexis Duvall, is accused of punching the elderly Asian woman in the back of her head, causing her to fall to the ground. The victim suffered a cut to her left cheek and scrapes to her knee. Duvall was arrested after a bystander chased and apprehended her, then called police to report the incident. The suspect gave her name as "Patty Garcia," but police say fingerprints identified her as Alexis Duvall.
Hawaii State Rep. Beth Fukumoto is exploring possibly switching parties.
State Rep. Beth Fukumoto is exploring a possible switch from the Republican to the Democratic Party in Hawaii, after her stance against President Trump prompted her colleagues to vote her out as their minority leader, a post she had held since her election in 2012.
Fukumoto said her fellow Republicans ousted her "because she participated in the women's march protesting the Trump presidency," reports Wayne Yoshioka of member station Hawaii Public Radio.
Coming-of-age comedy centers on a mixed race family in the suburbs of 1988 Philadelphia.
Cool! Kenneth Choi will star as the dad in NBC's single-camera comedy pilot from Fresh Off the Boat co-executive producer Kourtney Kang and creator/executive producer Nahnatchka Khan.
Written by Kang and based on her life, the coming-of-age comedy centers on a girl named Katie and explores what it's like to grow up as the only girl in the only mixed-race family in the suburbs of 1988 Philadelphia, dealing with real-world issues like race and gender while never losing focus of her life goal: to become a Laker Girl like her idol Paula Abdul. This show already sounds awesome.
Author of 'The Middleman and Other Stories' and 'Jasmine.'
Bharati Mukherjee, an Indian-born American writer who explored the internal culture clashes of her immigrant characters in the award-winning collection “The Middleman and Other Stories” and in novels like “Jasmine,” died on Saturday in Manhattan. She was 76.
The cause was complications of rheumatoid arthritis and takotsubo cardiomyopathy, a stress-induced heart condition, her husband, the writer Clark Blaise, said.